When faced with mold issues in their homes a lot of persons resort to DIY methods in order to cut cost or out of ignorance of the risks caused by improper mold removal. This however is not a good practice. According to the web article (Do It Yourself Mold Removal, n.d.) You should call a mold remediation professional if:
The mold covers a large area (greater than three feet by three feet, according to the Environmental Protection Agency).
Mold develops after flooding with water that might be contaminated with sewage or other potentially hazardous substances.
There is mold in your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system (most homeowners have neither the knowledge nor the equipment needed to properly remove mold from their HVAC systems).
You have moldy wood that cannot be removed and replaced, so the moldy area needs to be sanded and encapsulated instead (it’s recommended that only mold remediation professionals sand moldy wood since it significantly increases one’s exposure to mold, which can lead to potentially serious illnesses).
You have a medical condition that might be made worse by increased exposure to mold, like asthma, environment allergies, or an immune system disorder (check with your doctor if you’re not sure if increased exposure to mold may exacerbate your medical condition).
You are already experiencing symptoms of mold-related illness, such as sneezing, coughing, runny nose, shortness of breath, wheezing, headaches, sore throat, or chronic sinus infections
With reference to an article from (Democrat and Chronicle, 2017) Mold remediation should be done professionally for the following reasons:
Special supplies and equipment are needed to perform mold remediation jobs properly. Using the right equipment not only removes mold effectively but it ensures that outside contaminants do not enter the structure during remediation. Also, getting your home professionally remediated greatly reduces your chances for mold recurrence.
Most homeowners will not take the precautions necessary to protect themselves and others from getting sick or to prevent cross contamination. Mold remediation professionals are trained to handle contaminants and are knowledgeable of the precautions necessary to protect themselves.
Proper training is vital for Mold professionals. Mold remediation companies train their crew members to wear protective cover-all suits and have them fitted for a high-grade respirator. Resorting to buying a paint suit and dust mask will not provide the necessary protection for a mold remediation job.
When mold is not cleaned properly the spores can easily become airborne. Scrubbing or cleaning an area with mold without having the proper containment set up will cause the spores to spread throughout your home which creates a larger problem as the mold spores are no longer isolated to one area.
Persons may have severe allergies to certain types of mold and be unaware until they develop symptoms. Additionally there are also toxic molds which can be extremely dangerous to your health, even in small amounts.
These are some of the basic reasons why it is necessary to have your home professionally remediated, instead of trying to do it yourself. However, every home is unique so having a qualified mold remediation company come in to provide a detailed assessment of your home is always the best option.
Contact H&L Environmental Services Ltd TODAY, to resolve this lingering mold issue. Tel: 1-758-452-0594
Prepared by: Termin Ismael
Democrat and Chronicle. (2017, February 22). Retrieved from www.democratandchronicle.com: https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/sponsor-story/comprehensive-mold-management/2017/02/22/comprehensive-mold-management/98261146/
Do It Yourself Mold Removal. (n.d.). Retrieved from www.mold-advisor.com: https://www.mold-advisor.com/do-it-yourself-mold-removal.html