For the past three years, H&L Environmental Services Ltd., the only IICRC Certified mold remediation company in the region has observed September as Mold Awareness Month. The month of September is recognized by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as Mold Awareness Month and the aim is to inform, educate and raise awareness about the adverse health effects due to exposure to indoor mold.
This year, in observance of Mold Awareness Month, H&L Environmental Services invites your organisation to participate in a commercial house video competition for the prize of a free comprehensive Deluxe Deep Clean of the office space up to an area of 1500 square feet. In order to participate, the organisation has to submit a short, original, creative, entertaining video, no longer than three minutes in length. This video needs to tell us in a very creative way without directly stating why the office space needs to be deep cleaned.
We anticipate that this activity will serve as a bonding and fun experience for management and staff as creative ideas are shared and explored to achieve the mission of winning the prize. The completed video can be submitted by using the free website: https://wetransfer.com/
· Click on the “I just want to send files” option
· Click upload files or select a folder to select your video
· Email to: sales@hnles.com
· Type in your email address
· Put title as the name of your organisation
Please take this opportunity to learn about mold and its adverse health effects by visiting our website: www.hnles.com and by following us on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HNLES.SLU
Instagram: www.instagram.com/hlenvironmental/